
Our work is based on principles that translate to practical management improvements, aligning the interests of our clients, partners, employees, shareholders and communities.

We have developed this identity over the course of the history of Votorantim, basing our governance on the principles of transparency, fairness, accountability and corporate responsibility¹.

Building upon our principles and guidlines of corporate governance, called “the Votorantin DNA”, as well as our values and beliefs, our organization set up a governance system comprised of the following constituents: Shareholders Assembly, Administrative Council, Audit Committee and Board of Directors.

Such is the corporate governance at Votorantim Energy.

[1] Based on the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute’s (IBGC) Corporate Governance Manual


Being “in compliance” means nothing more than being in conformity with legal obligations, no different from internal policies and procedures. Compliance is not an area, but a culture that should be shared throughout the company and with trade partners.

We are a reflection of our daily attitudes. We believe that, in order to tread the path of conformity, one need only compromise and understand a simple guideline: do what is right, regardless of the circumstances or consequences.

Laws and regulations are modified every day, presenting new challenges. We need to react to these changes open-mindedly and transparently, which is why we created the Votorantim Compliance Program, guiding our conformity efforts through 7 pillars:

1. Observance of Laws and Regulations and of the commitments assumed in our Contracts and Agreements

2. Acquisition of Licenses, Authorization and Certifications necessary for our operations

3. Compliance with legal requirements in all contracts and agreements

4. Quality and veracity of all External Reports published

5. Votorantim’s commitment to Defense of Competition/Antitrust, and to the prevention of Fraud and Corruption

6. Attention to areas risking exposure to losses and fraud

7. Fight corruption on a daily basis

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is applied to all our employees and should serve as a reference for trade partners. To facilitate understanding, each chapter has practical examples and a section clarifying what is expected of each of us.

Download the Code of Conduct  (PDF, X mb)

Ethics Hotline

You can learn more, ask questions and resolve any issue regarding our Code of Conduct. This is an impartial and transparent channel that guarantees confidentiality, and is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and other languages.

Call 0800 89 11 729 or go to online Ethics Hotline.


Our objective is to create an ethical business environment. We want everyone to understand the risks involved in corruption and how to avoid them.

Download Anticorruption Policy  (PDF)

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