Carbon Credits


  • Neutralize your carbon footprint with credits from our wind complexes


  • Understand how it works:
1 | Emission

A project is certified for generating positive impacts on greehouse gas emissions

2 | Certificates
They are issued according to the calculated positive impact of the complex

1 Crédito de carbono = 1 tCO2e 

3 | Commitment

Companies committed on reducing their carbon footprint can buy carbon credits to compensate greenhouse gas emissions

4 | Credits

Votorantim Energia has carbon credits from its wind farms, where we also assist on social and environmental actions with local communities

Renewable energy certificate (REC)

After all, what is a REC?

  • I REC Standard is a global system that links electricity consumption to a renewable source of generation.


  • Each project can issue a number of certificates according to its verified generation, being 1 MWh = 1 REC


  • Since 2020 Votorantim Energia is an I-REC Standard participant, authorized to trade renewable energy certificates.

How does the process work?

  • 01

    Responsible for registering power plants and for issuing RECs after auditing the plant environmental attributes

  • 02

    Responsible for trading RECs with consumers and other participants. They are also responsible for creating redemption accounts in name of their clients

  • 03
    Final Clients

    Renewable energy consumer

Main benefits

  • Reinforcement of organizations' sustainable brand positioning and improved public perception through carbon footprint compensation


  • Purchase of green, traceable and certified electrical energy


  • Global certification, meeting the company's international headquarters needs

Green, renewable and with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, that's how we're building a better tomorrow.

Do you want to know more?

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